Sitemap XML Location | How to Find The Sitemap Url of a Website Online - SEO

SiteMap XML File Location 

Hi All, in the article we are going to talk about what is sitemap xml file and why we using sitemap xml file in web application with examples 

if you are a developer you can easily understand sitemap.xml file

sitemap file is a xml, xml is nothing but Extensible markup langualge (XML). xml is smilar to HTML programming language.

Here i have mentioned a sample sitemap xml file for your reference:-

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><urlset xmlns=''>














How to find sitemap xml file of a website url online?

 There are multiple ways to find the sitemap xml file. we can easily check sitemap location manually. First thing, you have to enter your domain name (website url).in my case, my website is onlinedevtools.inTo find the sitemap file of a website, Just enter, the domainName/sitemap.xml (domain name is nothing but website URL).For Example,
 For My Website Location Of the Sitemap XML file is

Finding Sitemap File Location From Robots.txt file?

in rare case , sometime the website developer, put sitemap.xml file name as different. in that case,  it is  very difficult to see the sitemap xml file in google. for that we have another solution to see the sitemap.xml file of the particular website. if you know about robots.txt file, you can easily get the sitemap.xml file url. it is similar to method 1, if you type the website url like this domainName/robots.txt, you can see the  the sitemap file location of the particular website.

Here, i am mentioning the robots.txt file below:-
User-agent: Googlebot
User-agent: googlebot-image
User-agent: googlebot-mobile
User-agent: MSNBot
User-agent: Slurp
User-agent: Teoma
User-agent: Gigabot
User-agent: Robozilla
User-agent: Nutch
User-agent: ia_archiver
User-agent: baiduspider
User-agent: naverbot
User-agent: yeti
User-agent: yahoo-mmcrawler
User-agent: psbot
User-agent: yahoo-blogs/v3.9
User-agent: *

How to find the sitemap.xml file using the google search console?

This is very popular method to find the sitemap.xml file using google search console.
 Google Search Console Tool -
In the sidebar, we can see the sitemaps options, there your submit your sitemap and we can see the list of sitemap submitted website urls and crawled status with date
sitemap xml file location




How to add sitemap.xml file in your website.

if you are a web developer, you can easily add the sitemap file.

first thing, you have to generate the robotx.txt file. then in the robots.txt file as we discussed before, we have to mention the sitemap xml location in the robots.txt file.

then, there are multiple ways to the generator the sitemap.xml file in online.

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