Kubernetes notes

 Kubernetes is k8s

node is a machine 

cluster is a set of nodes grouped together

multiple nodes helps in sharing the loads as well

who is the responsible for managing the cluster - master

how are the nodes are monitored?

master node is a another node with kubernetes installed in it and its configured as a master

master node watches over the nodes in the cluster

master node is the responsible for orchestration container on the worker nodes

components of k8s

1. API Server




5.container runtime (docker)


API server - front of the Kubernetes

What is etcd? etcd is an open source distributed key-value store used to hold and manage the critical information that distributed systems need to keep running

etcd used to manage the cluster 

schedulers - the scheduler is responsible for distributing the work or containers across the nodes

newly created a containers and assigns them to the nodes 

controllers - they are responsible for noticing & responding  when nodes, containers or endpoints goes down

controllers are make decisions to bring up the new containers

kubelet is the agent that runs on each node in the cluster

the agents are responsible for making sure that 

the containers are running on the nodes as expected

2 types of server master and workers nodes

and set of components that makes up Kubernetes

how are these components are distributed across different types of server?

in the other words, how does one server become a master and other the slave?

MASTER SERVER - kube-apiserver

WORKER SERVER - kubelet agent is responsible for interacting with master to provide the health information

etcd - key value store

master has etcd , controller, scheduler

kubectl run hello-minikube

kubectl cluster-info

kubectl get nodes   

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