Lodash Filter | Lodash Find Example

Lodash Filter | Lodash Find

Lodash filter

 It also deals with the array of objects. the filter also predicates the true or false by the Lodash method. Lodash filter, return the function as a truth value. In other words, the filter is also known as the predicate function. The false value is null, undefined. In the Lodash method, they are two types of arguments.

 1. Collection

2. Iterate method. 

The Lodash filter method follows the "jquery".It also has three arguments in the prediction process value, index/key, collection. Lodash filter is a JavaScript, using the functional programming gives utility function. It is to be concise and maintainable.


var members = [
  { 'member': 'barney',  'roll_number': 36,  },
  { 'member': 'fred',    'roll_number': 40, },
  { 'member': 'pebbles', 'roll_number': 1, }

_.filter(memberss, function(o) { return o.roll_number < 40; });

//  [{ 'member': 'barney',  'roll_number': 36, } ,  { 'member': 'pebbles', 'roll_number': 1, }]

Lodash find

It also accesses the value in the set of collections. Lodash finds also searching the elements for the predicate process (i.e) true or false.


_find(collection, predicate, Formindex) 


var members = [
  { 'member': 'barney',  'roll_number': 36,  },
  { 'member': 'fred',    'roll_number': 40, },
  { 'member': 'pebbles', 'roll_number': 1, }

_.find(memberss, function(o) { return o.roll_number < 40; });

//  { 'member': 'barney',  'roll_number': 36, }

Lodash find has three parameters
Forum index.
Collection-It also has an array or object collection.
Predicate-It has a false method.
Forum index-It also has index form by used for searching.
Return value:
Matched elements or undefined.
Lodash finds, return the elements in the array and the entire object.

Lodash Documentation Link

Underscore Documentation Link

Lodash vs underscore

It is also a modern JavaScript. Lodash delivering consistency, performance, modularity, and extras. Underscore also gives function programs without using a built-in object. Lodash divided into two types(i.e) js utility and libraries. Lodash and underscore are available in open-source tools. Lodash has 39.7k stars and 4.12 k  forks. Underscore has 24.6k and 5.41k forks. In some companies use Lodash. They are
Master lard.
Underscore has some application, they are
Utility, simple, function programming, fast, backbone, js. Underscore also used in some important companies like LinkedIn, Coursera, postman. Lodash has JavaScript for tools to integrate. Underscore has Jscrambler for the tool to integrate. In the Lodash have some alternative features like jquery, Ramada, ES6, typescript, modernizer. Lodash and underscore are the same and tested libraries. They are also creating an impact on performance and the usages. Lodash and underscore are more frequent and compact. It also supports to access the specific function. Lodash and underscore are tech state.

Lodash and Underscore alternative

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