Pure Functions Example - Online Dev Tools

We Provide a Detailed Explanation and 

Example of Pure functions and Different 

between a pure function vs idempotent

Pure Functions

A pure function is also said to be a function. It returns the same value for the certain given particular inputs. A pure function has non variables and nonlocal variables. It also has no side effects and depends on others. In pure function can't store any values in the global state or others. In mathematical, the pure function is a computational analog. In that, the pure function of the output which depends on the only given input. The pure function has no back doors in the function. Pure function, the output also depends on the input parameters and algorithm. In the outside world, the pure function can't change any value and other outside values are not read. The pure function, it doesn't need any external input for the process of output. In pure functions, writing to a screen and web services are not applicable to the output performance. Hidden files are not modified by the pure function. A pure function is to more accurate, short, and easy.

Pure Functions vs idempotent

Pure function can't change anything in the process. An idempotent function can change the program, object, machine. The change also happens at once. It has side effects. They are
It changes the global state.
It also uses current data. In pure function, there are no side effects. The output is determined by the required given input. A pure function can be called more times, it doesn't create any side effects. In idempotent, without modifying the results, it can use several times. Depending on the context, it also has different means. Idempotent function is a invariant f(f(x)) =f(x) . It's also affected by pure function. A pure function is a "c" Programming idiom. Examples:

In idempotent programming, they are two binary operations. (i.e) Addition and multiplication. The idempotent function programming, have more function. Examples:
Trim. The pure function also complier the pure form of loop optimization and subexpression limited. Idempotent function plays a major role. It also used to make good things.

Pure Functions Example

The best example for a pure function is mapping

Array.map((e) => {
return e.name;

Benefits of Pure Functions

a pure function is also easy in the maintenance process. Because it takes less time to determine the impacts of developers. The state of other input is needed not to be considered in the pure function. In pure function, it is an easy way to test the required function. In a unit test passing the value is easy. It is more complicated and longer in the writing test. Because it needs a lot of setup or injection for certain values. The pure function can be reused easily. In the module function, the method should be called from different places. Moving one class to another class is also to be easy by using another module. A pure function is also a thread-safe. In the static method, threading problems are used in pure function. The pure function has a certain benefit easy to





reason about.

DEBUG: pure function is easy to debug when compare to impure function. Because the pure function also depends only on the algorithm and the input.

PARALLELIZE: In pure function, the concurrent applicable is very easy. It does not interface with the other function.

TEST: Testing function is very easy in pure function. The pure function is property-based testing.

COMBINE: In the pure function, the output also depends on the given input. The combing process is to be very simple in the pure function. The capability of the pure function is function composition.

REASON ABOUT: The pure function doesn't have side effects or any hidden input and output.

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