React vs Angular vs VueJs FrameWork

 Today, we will see the difference between React, Angular, and Vue Js Frameworks 

 Before going to the topic we will compare the minimum build size of each framework.

 Let's See,👏

Why We Choose Angular Or React Or VueJs as FrontEnd Framework?

The minimum bundle size For Angular Web Application Is 500KB😓, This is Normal Hello World Program

By Default Angular Contains Inbuild Functions, Pipes, Filter, and Directives. it will increase the build size of the Angular Application. If we choose the angular application for a small-scale project it affects the entire performance. for example, the initial website loading speed will increase. To avoid this problem we will use lazy loading concepts but we can't decrease the default application size.

How to Start Angular Application?

Just type npm Install to installing all required npm package modules and type npm start

How to see the bundle size in Angular Application?

There are multiple ways to see the website bundle size, we can see the bundle size in the network call.

vendor bundle.js 500KB. 

So, We can use the Angular Application For a Larger Web Application.

Normally Angular Application has bigger build sizes when compared to other web applications written in javascript frameworks for example ReactJs, VueJs, Ruby Js.

List of In-build pipes in Angular Application:-

  • Date Pipe
  • LowerCase Pipe
  • Slice Pipe
  •  Percent Pipe
  • JSON Pipe
  • Currency Pipe
  • UpperCase Pipe
Angular Application comes with a lot of cool and useful libraries such as RxJs and Zone.js

Angular Framework 2 & 4 Developed By Google. In My Personal Experience, if you learn the Angular 2,4,8 version, you can easily understand and learn the other frameworks like Reactjs and VueJs

But For Others,  React Js Is Most Preferred for learning as compared with other frontend frameworks.
According to Stack Overflow Survey, React Js is Most Loved and Used Web Frameworks

React Js maintained by Facebook. 

Vue Js Vs React Js FrameWork

Angular Vs React Vs Vue

React Vs Vue

Vue Vs Angular

VueJs Vs Angular


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